Monday, March 19, 2012

Marfa Lights Soundtrack debuts at # 3

      Recently,  a few musicians from the area got together and recorded a soundtrack for the annual Marfa lights star party. No one would have guessed that the album would make it all the way to the Billboard Top music list. Despite the seclusion of the small town of Marfa, the recordings made a surprise appearance at #3! Some of the artists include, Mac Mackerson, The Dirty Coyotes, and The Henry Band. Bubba Henry, Lead singer and front man of the Henry Band told the Big Bend Inquirer that he and his band spent a week and a day just staring at the Marfa Lights just to get the right inspiration for their song. Their single,' I'm Blind' can be found on i tunes for free, along with the entire Marfa Lights soundtrack.

      Authorities often see strange things as they patrol the border, but yesterday was a first for Officer Morrili. He and fellow officers spotted a large man crossing the river near Lajitas. When the suspect came closer, Officers noticed that the man was not large, but instead had a monkey on his back. Senior Officer Mike Hoboton stated " both suspects will be deported to their respected countries, although the chimp wont tell us where he's from." 


  1. Is that where the expression, got a monkey on my back, came from? lololol

  2. Glad one of your local groups made it to the "big time".
