Monday, April 2, 2012

Local beeswax found to cure hangover

      A group of researchers from Marfa have released a study that finds local beeswax to help cure the common hangover. After many years of hard research, the case study revels that the beeswax from the Marfa Flats is very different than the wax collected from surrounding areas. When the bees wax is warmed, and then mixed with seltzer water, the concoction is said to eliminate all symptoms of  a hangover. When the news of the study was leaked, local stores noticed a spike in seltzer sales. A few local pubs were also thankful.

      Many birds are returning to the Big Bend area, and can be seen flying in the sky. But Saturday an unmanned kite was grabbing the attention of many binocular wearing folks. High above the Sul Ross University campus, a large bird-like kite has been flying without explanation. No one knows who started the flight, but until officials figure it out, the kite will remain in flying. A similar event was reported in 1931 and the kite remained until 1938 when it was destroyed by a lightning storm.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Terlingua Spring turns to wine

      As many lakes and rivers dry up during this horrible Texas drought, a local spring also has receded to extremely low levels. But instead of completely drying up, the Terlingua Springs has been seeping wine!  This strange event is occurring where a limestone shelf meets a sand bar. A Scientist visiting from Dallas is studying the seeping crack in the stone, and is taking various samples. A few bottles of this precious wine are being sold on eBay for $29.99, and only in a limited supply.

     A Marathon woman will be making headlines as she represents the U.S. in the World Hotdog Eating Competition this spring. Carol Rudby has been conditioning for this contest since last year when she placed 5th. Mrs. Rudby is also a professional funnel cake eater, yet amazingly only weighs 125 pounds. She credits this to her long lineage as pro eaters. Her dad was world champ in 7 foods at one time during WWII. Carol has two sisters that also hold current titles in pizza slices and marshmallows.